
Basic usage

The library’s main interface is the Mixcloud class. Import it directly from aiomixcloud and use it as an asynchronous context manager. Pass a key (URL part corresponding to a unique API resource) to its get() method to fetch information about that resource:

from aiomixcloud import Mixcloud

async with Mixcloud() as mixcloud:
    user = await mixcloud.get('bob')

Result data is available both as attributes and dictionary items:  # 'London'
user['favorite_count']  # 38['medium']  # ''

Datetime data gets automatically converted to datetime objects:

user.updated_time  # datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 10, 7, 32, tzinfo=tzutc())

The discover() shortcut returns information about a tag:

tag = await'jazz')
tag['name']  # 'Jazz shows'

Resource objects are dict-like and can be iterated over:

# Using `tag` from previous snippet
for key, value in tag.items():
    print(key, value)

Original dict is stored in their data attribute:  # {'url': '', 'type': ...


The listing methods consist of:

and are responsible for downloading a list of resources:

popular = await mixcloud.popular()
popular  # <ResourceList 'Popular Cloudcasts'>

# Index the list
popular[0]  # <Resource: Cloudcast '/alice/pop-hits-episode-42/'>

# Items are resources
popular[3]['audio_length']  # 1676

# Iterate
for p in popular:
    p.url  # ''

Items of a resource list can also be accessed by their key:

popular['chris/funky-mix']  # <Resource: Cloudcast '/chris/funky-mix/'>

The search() method, which can accept a type argument, among 'cloudcast' (default), 'user' and 'tag', returns resources matching the given term:

rock_cloudcasts = await'rock')
johns = await'john', type='user')

Listing methods can accept pagination arguments the API itself defines: offset, limit, since and until. The former two concern net numbers (counts) and the latter two can be UNIX timestamps, human-readable strings or datetime objects. Alternatively, instead any of those, a page argument can be specified (zero-indexed), giving 20 results per page (unless the per_page argument indicates otherwise):

hot = await, limit=80)
new = await'2018 Feb 12 13:00:00',
                         until='2019 March 28 21:15:04')
some_jazz = await'jazz', page=2)
metal_music = await'metal', page=4, per_page=30)

Note: Timezone-naive datetime values (either human-readable strings or datetime objects) will be treated as being in the current local timezone.

Resource lists have a previous() and a next() method which return the previous and the next page of the current resource list, respecitvely. If there is no such page available, these methods return None:

older_metal = await metal_music.previous()
older_metal  # <ResourceList>
newer_metal = await
newer_metal  # <ResourceList>
await  # This returns None

When responding with a resource list, the API sends most of the information for each resource, but not all of it. That is an example of dealing with non-full resources. Again, in a resource list, some of the data included, represent resources related to each list item, for example each item in a cloudcast list contains information about the user who uploaded the cloudcast. The information about that user is also incomplete, making it another case of a non-full resource. The load() method of Resource objects can be used to load the full information of a non-full resource:

# Using `hot` from previous snippet
some_hot_cloudcast = hot[5]
some_hot_cloudcast.description  # raises AttributeError
await some_hot_cloudcast.load()
some_hot_cloudcast.description  # 'The greatest set of all time...'

load() also returns the freshly-loaded object so it can be used in chained calls, something that can find elegant application in synchronous library usage.


API resources can have sub-resources, or, connections, that is other API resources associated with (or, “owned” by) them. For example, a user can have followers, i.e a user resource has followers as a connection, which are other user resources themselves. The connections of a resource become available through methods of it, named after the respective connection names:

peter = await mixcloud.get('peter')
his_followers = await peter.followers()
his_followers  # <ResourceList "Peter's followers">

nice_cloudcast = await mixcloud.get('luke/a-nice-mix')
comments = await nice_cloudcast.comments()
for comment in comments:
    comment  # <Resource: Comment '/comments/cr/.../'>
    comment.comment  # 'Nice set, keep up the good work!'


Embedding information and HTML code for a cloudcast can be retrieved through the embed_json() and embed_html() methods, being able to take width, height and color as arguments:

json_embed_info = await mixcloud.embed_json('someuser/the-best-mix')
html_embed_code = await mixcloud.embed_html('someuser/the-best-mix',
                                            width=300, height=150)

oEmbed information for a resource (previous arguments applicable here as well) is available through:

oembed_info = await mixcloud.oembed(resource_key)


Significant part of the API’s functionality is available after OAuth authorization. Acquiring an OAuth access token to enable authorized, personalized API calls, requires obtaining a “client ID” and a “client secret”. This can be done by applying to Mixcloud to “create an application”. As authorization is currently allowed only through web browser, the user must be redirected to a URL (“authorization URL”) where they will be able to “allow the application access to their data”. This URL must contain a “client ID” and a “redirect URI” as GET parameters. Once the user allows access, they will be redirected to that developer-chosen “redirect URI” with a code (“OAuth code”) GET parameter. Finally, with a request to an appropriate URL, the developer can exchange this OAuth code with an access token they can use on behalf of the user.

The MixcloudOAuth class assists the process of acquiring an OAuth access token:

from aiomixcloud.auth import MixcloudOAuth

oauth = MixcloudOAuth(client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET,
oauth.authorization_url  # Forward user here to prompt them to allow
                         # access to your application

Once the user allows access to your application they will be redirected to and you can use the passed code GET parameter to get their access token:

access_token = await oauth.access_token(code)
async with Mixcloud(access_token=access_token) as mixcloud:
    # Authorized use of the API here

This process can, alternatively, take place after the instantiation of the Mixcloud class, to make use of its session:

async with Mixcloud() as mixcloud:
    oauth = MixcloudOAuth(client_id=CLIENT_ID,
    # ... After getting user's permission and storing `code` ...
    mixcloud.access_token = await oauth.access_token(code)

Apart from getting richer results from some of the API calls, authorized usage enables access to personalized methods, concerning the user who the access token corresponds to. The simplest of them is me(), which gives the resource of the access token owner (current user):

current_user = await
current_user.username  # 'amikrop'


Authorized usage also enables actions, a group of methods about doing and undoing certain actions on specific resources:

Each of them takes a resource key as an argument (the two methods on the first row target a user, the rest of them target a cloudcast):

data = await mixcloud.follow('bob')
data['result']['message']  # 'Now following bob'
data = await mixcloud.unrepost('alice/fun-times-ep-25')
data.result.success  # True


Making authorized use of the API allows uploading cloudcasts and editing existing uploads. Both upload() and edit() share the following optional arguments: picture (filename), description (text), tags (sequence of strings), sections (sequence of mappings) and some fields available only to pro accounts: publish_date (UNIX timestamp, human-readable string or datetime object), disable_comments (boolean), hide_stats (boolean) and unlisted (boolean).

The upload() method takes two positional arguments, mp3 (filename) and name (string):

data = await mixcloud.upload('perfectmix.mp3', 'Perfect Mix',
                             description='The perfect house mix',
                             tags=['house', 'deep'],
                             sections=[{'chapter': 'Intro',
                                        'start_time': 0},
                                       {'artist': 'Somebody',
                                        'song': 'Some song',
                                        'start_time': 60},
                                       {'artist': 'Cool DJ',
                                        'song': 'Cool track',
                                        'start_time': 240}])
data.result['success']  # True

edit() takes a key positional argument and a name optional argument:

data = await mixcloud.edit('amikrop/perfect-mix', name='The Perfect Mix',
                           description='The best house mix, right for summer',
                           tags=['house', 'deep', 'summer'])
data['result'].success  # True


Methods of Mixcloud that target a specific resource (and thus, take a key as first argument) are also available as methods of Resource objects:

someone = await mixcloud.get('certainuser')
await someone.unfollow()  # {'result': ...

mix = await mixcloud.get('auser/acloudcast')
await mix.favorite()  # {'result': ...

await mix.embed_html()  # '<iframe width="100%" height=...'

my_mix = await mixcloud.get('amikrop/perfect-mix')
await my_mix.edit(description='The best house mix, perfect for summer!',
                  tags=['house', 'deep',
                        'summer', 'smooth'])  # {'result': ...

Those methods include the actions, the embedding methods and edit().

Synchronous mode

All the functionality of the package is also available for synchronous (i.e blocking) usage. MixcloudSync and MixcloudOAuthSync provide the same interface as their asynchronous versions, with all the coroutine methods now being classic methods. Context management becomes synchronous and methods of returned objects are synchronous as well:

from aiomixcloud.sync import MixcloudOAuthSync, MixcloudSync

with MixcloudSync() as mixcloud:
    oauth = MixcloudOAuthSync(client_id=CLIENT_ID,
    # ... After getting user's permission and storing `code` ...
    mixcloud.access_token = oauth.access_token(code)

    some_cloudcast = mixcloud.get('someuser/somemix')
    some_cloudcast.repost()  # {'result': ...

    # Chained calls
    some_cloudcast.similar()[0].load().picture_primary_color  # '02f102'