Source code for aiomixcloud.exceptions

Exception types

This module contains custom exceptions raised during use
of the package.  Specifically:

    - :class:`MixcloudError`, indicating that API returned
      an error response.

    - :class:`MixcloudOAuthError`, indicating that something
      went wrong with the OAuth authorization process.

[docs]class MixcloudError(Exception): """Raised when API responds with error message.""" def __init__(self, data): """Store information as instance attributes.""" info = data.get('error', {}) #: Error type, as described by the API self.type = info.pop('type', '') #: Error message self.message = info.pop('message', '') #: Dictionary with additional information self.extra = info def __str__(self): """Return type, message and additional information, formatted appropriately. """ # Build presentation of extra information. extra_items = [] for k, v in self.extra.items(): if v: extra_items.append(f'{k}: {v}') extra = ', '.join(extra_items) # Add available parts to error message, each with its # appropriate format. error_message = [] if self.message: error_message.append(self.message) if extra: error_message.append(f'({extra})') if self.type: type = self.type if error_message: # If there are more parts than just `type`, # append a colon to it. type = f'{type}:' error_message.insert(0, type) return ' '.join(error_message)
[docs]class MixcloudOAuthError(Exception): """Raised when OAuth authorization fails.""" def __init__(self, data): """Store error message as instance attribute.""" #: Error message self.message = data.get('error', '') def __str__(self): """Return error message.""" return self.message